Run And Managed By: Baranagar Domanic Savio Education Society
Call Us   (033) 2659-6155


1. Special attention is given to ensure a high standard morality and discipline.

2. Parents/Guardians are requested to co-operate with the school authorities by urging their wards to regular and punctual attendance and by seeing that their wards are diligent in their home work and lessons. The school does not recommend to any coaching center or to engage any private tutor. It is discretion of Parents/Guardian

3. Pupils must come to school on the opening day fully equipped with all books and stationery required for their respective classes.

4. Pupils must attend in class in the prescribed uniforms, which must be clean, neat and tidy.

5. Parents and Guardians are to ensure that their wards are properly dressed in the school regulatory uniform before their wards attend school. The use of "Mehendi". Make up in any form, nail polishes etc. are not allowed.

6. That in case at any student sickness or serious health problem during the period of school hours the reserves the right to call a doctor or sent the child to a local hospital or nursing me and render medical assistance The Guardian will be informed immediately. The guardian should not suppress any serious illness if the child is suffering form so or taking any sorts of medicines should be informed to school well in advance so that school have knowledge for so and it may help the child in case of urgent admission in hospital.

7. Guardians are not allowed to loiter outside the school or any such places which prevents free passage and access for others commoners or local residents.

8. To avoid disorders Parents/Guardians are requested to just drop their children at the school gate once and once you have seen that have entered the school premises you should move thus leaving free passage and for others.

9. To collect your child you are requested to come at the exact closing time of his/her class. Please ensure that you carry the child's identity card (I-Card) with you. The identity card should not be given to any unknown or unauthorized persons. The school will hand over the child who ever provide the card. Loss of card should be reported to school in writing.

10. Kindly wait in an orderly fashion without pushing and screaming. Please leave the school gate soon after collecting the child.

11. All pupils should behave politely with the teachers, staffs, classmates, senior students of the school. Any sorts or misbehavior, insult, wrong attitudes or passing of any sorts remarks will be seriously deal with followed with suspension or even withdrawal from the school if situation demands so. The guardian should teach their wards accordingly.

12. The school does NOT approve, recognize or encourage groups or bodies of individuals who claim to representatives of parents, guardian or student. Please communicate directly with the school.

13. Parents/Guardian may kindly note that incase of any legal disputes or any sorts of divorce or Separation among outself should be informed to Head of School with proper legal documents A proper application should be given to school office from concerned legal guardian or custodian of the child in case of any special information is required to be given to school regarding the child. Any subsequent change of name of any Parents / Guardian should too be informed to school with proper documentation.

14. No students are allowed to bring any Mobile Phones, if found it would be confiscated.

The Course are as follows:


1. English (First Language)

2. Bengali / Hindi (Second Language)

3. History, Civics and Geography

4. Mathematics

5. General Science upto Class-V

6. Physics, Chemistry Biology from class VI to X

7. S.U.P.W Arts & Crafts

8. Computer Science

9. 3rd Language Class from III to VIII, Hindi, Bengali, Punjabi

10. Moral Science

11. General Knowledge

12. Physical Education (Additional Subject for Class IX & X)

13. Music

*Environmental Study - Class I & II

*Commercial Study for Class IX & X Commerce


1 One calendar months’ notice in writing from the 1st day of a month or one month's fees in lieu thereof, if required before the withdrawal of child from school.

2. If the notice given is shorter than one month, the fees due on the first of the next month will be charged as well.

3. The Rector can, in the interest of the school, have a student removed if in the former's opinion the student has failed to accept the discipline of the school and his/her continued presence is detrimental to the interests to other students or if the student fails to come up to the academic standard of his/her class and when detention the same class would make the student too old for his/her In case if the students are given TC due to gross misconduct the school or any one associated with the school will not be responsible for any outward incident if student commits so Parents please note to counsel and teach your children the moral behavior towards school, teachers and friends at home along with the school. The School helps in character building of a pupil.

4. Please note that student requesting for Transfer Certificate in March will be required to pay 3 months fees till end of the terms in lieu of notice (All application to be submitted in January).

5. The Transfer Certificate will always be issues in consonance with the progress Report.

6. No duplicate TC are issued or school is liable to issue any certificates to any student after 3 years of leaving school.


1. In order to avoid detention for coming late some children try to slip into school after all the children have gone to class after the assembly. This will not be permitted and anyone coming in so late will not be permitted to enter the school premises

2. If for any reason a child has to miss school there must be prior sanction in writing for leave of absence from the Rector/Principal /Vice Principal / Secretary.

3. A pupil, who misses an examination, may not appear on later date In case if any students are not able to appear for the examination due to illness/sickness, a written application with Doctor Certificate should be submitted to school office. There is no arrangement for separate or special examination, neither the Guardian should demand for so.

4. Pupils who are absent for more than two months without prior sanction or notice are liable to have their names, struck of the schools rolls.

5. Absentees on rejoining school must product a Medical Certificate in case of sickness for over Seven days

6. Pupils affected by infectious diseases or exposed to such diseases in their homes must complete the quarantine period (normally 27 days) before rejoining school this should be indicated on the Medical Certificate.

7. The school will remain closed during Summer, Puja and Winter Vacation as per dates declared. The school will have holidays in both Govt/Central Govt. notifications. No other holidays are entertained or to be emanded.